Class: So, Barrie, how was your launch day?
Barrie Summy: It was so wonderful that I cried.
The class nods knowingly.
Barrie: And I just want to say thank you to the nth degree to Warwick's and especially to Susan, Event Coordinator Extraordinaire, for making my very first book signing ever so much FUN! And for making me feel welcome and comfortable. Susan was calm and organized and all over the place at the same time.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Susan. Because I wasn't overly calm or organized or thinking about the blog.
Thank you to DH and Child #4 for coming down. Their presence was invaluable. I loved how Child #4 kept filling up my book display when it started to run low.
And yay yay for my great friends who came to offer support! They drove all the way to La Jolla, bought books and hung out with me at the bookstore. Some took me to dinner before the signing. Some took me for drinks and Mexican afterwards until late. Even though it was a school night.

Thank you to all the shoppers who stopped to chat and buy books. They were beyond friendly.
And thank you to Fellow Classmate, Nancy Viau, author of Samantha Hansen Has Rocks in Her Head. Nancy sent a mystery visitor to buy her a copy of I SO DON'T DO MYSTERIES.

Here he is. He's Nancy's adorable, interesting, amiable, fun son Rick. Thank you, Rick.
Guess what, guys? I'm exhausted. I didn't get any homework done. My house is a mess. My dog wants a walk.
See ya!
I'm playing hooky for the rest of the day!
I'll get notes from somebody tomorrow.
Class of 2k8: Join us tomorrow when Barrie shows us where she writes. And can we just say "non-traditional"?
Yay - and what a NICE guy and son to do that for his mom. And for you!
Wish I could have been there! It sounds amazing.
Yay Barrie! Congrats on the successful signing! I predict there will be many many more :-)
Ah HA! Told ya I'd (sort of) be there! Rick is the only who looks somewhat like me! He's a great "kid." All heart. Even at 25, he does what's asked of him with no complaints. I can't wait for your book to show up in my mailbox!
What a terrific week you've had, Barrie!!
Very tricky, Nancy! I'm so glad there was a 2k8 Presence at Barrie's signing.
sounds like a wonderful time! yay for you, barrie! and you too nancy for your sweet boy!
Talented friends.
Good kids.
I'm a lucky gal.
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