Friday, January 18, 2008

Steal this widget!!!

I'll have more thievery for you all later, but in the meantime I wanted to make sure that everyone took note of our awesome WIDGET (off to the right, down a little, in the sidebar-- that box with a book cover insode it)!

Made for us by the good folks at Jacketflap (thanks, Tracy!), the 2k8 widget can be easily customized to match the color scheme of your blog, and it only takes a few seconds to add to your Livejournal or Blogger or Wordpress page (or whatever you use).

The books will rotate and show off all our awesome covers, and hopefully lead people to our website when they click on the link!

So go on, don't think twice about it, steal a widget yourself. Show that you love and support the Class of 2k8 and our crazy hairbrained marketing eforts.

Get one today!

Pretty please?

(and to think that a few weeks ago we didn't even know what a widget was!)