Long live the class!!!
We've had a big year here at the CLASS OF 2K8. And now, as the year comes to a close, we're sad to say goodbye to our astounding debut experience, but also thrilled to leap into all the new books and adventures in store.
Who can tell what will happen to all of us in this next stretch?
Awards? Movie options? Will Oprah gather one of us to her bosom? Will one of us become involved in a SCANDAL?
I'd ask that anyone who cares to offer a 2009 prediction for our authors, or the book world in general, do so in the comments below...
And with that, we leave you now with a giant THANK YOU! Thank you for following along on our odd journey with us, and thank you for reading.
And we hope that you'll do the same for the CLASS OF 2k9!!!
I predict that I miss my deadline next week, and am spanked by my editor.
No, really I predict nonfictiony/libraryish awards for A Difficult Boy.
I see every 2k8 author being able to quit their day job!
I second Laurel's prediction (not the deadline one, Laurel ;->), and also forsee A Curse Dark as Gold winning the ALA's new William C. Morris award for debut YA fiction.
And three cheers for the Class of 2k9! May your class be as clever and supportive as ours has been--and you look as if you're off to a good start!
i predict many more books for 2k8ers and much success for 2k9!
I've just looked into my crystal ball and see...more Samantha Hansen books by Nancy Viau, an agent and a book deal about a dolphin for Stacy Nyikos and a new literary YA by Zu Vincent. Actually, the crystal ball is clouded up with activity because the Class of 2k8 has loads of books coming out in the years to come!
I predict many awards in the coming months for many of the wonderful books of the class.
Now, where's the graduation party? Jody, you'd love to host, right? Okay, we'll be there soon!
I predict that one day fellow-2k8er Jen Bradbury and I will be doing more than just TALKING (once in a while, in a dreamy-like way) about co-authoring a book . . . but I can't quite see if that's an actual 2009 thing . . .
Yay, 2k9ers! Looking forward to another year of debuts.
I read the tarot cards today and withdrew the happiest card of all... the Spielberg. Now if I only knew which author to pair it with! ;-)
Huzzah to 2k8! Looking forward to the 9ers!
I predict that all the 2k8-ers will look back on this year and say, "Wow, what a ride!"
I predict that All of us will end up in the same place at the same time someday... not sure when, but someday!
I predict PJ Hoover will be the highest earning author in our group. She has that golden shine about her :-) I also predict Barrie Summy will get over her shyness and use that wry humor for stand up comedy and become more famous than Jerry Seinfeld. Third and last, I predict 2k9 will sweep up readers everywhere with their amazing talent!
Thanks for having such a fun site this year. I am excited to continue catching up on all of your books from this year as well as books that you will write in the future.
Thank you for the wonderful new fiction and for paving the way for 2k9. May you all have much success and MANY more books!!
Ann Haywood Leal
Wishing all of 2k8 literary success and awards! I'll be looking for more of your books. And thanks for laying the groundwork for all of us in the class of 2k9.
I predict you all will be THE authors of the future - the ones all the SCBWI groups are hoping will come speak to their group!
The best of luck to you on your future sales! (Tho you don't really need luck, you've got TALENT!)
Just made a carrot cake, brownies and fruit salad for the party Lisa volunteered me to host. I'll be adding greatly to the menu. Just let me know which day and time you'll all be here to celebrate, and there'll be enough food for everyone plus guests.
I predict we'll be co-panelists at major conferences for years to come; that we'll be seeing even better work from each of us; and that we'll always remember so much that we shared together.
I love you all!
Generally, the Unsentimenal
I don't know what this year would have been like without our wonderful group. Thank you
classof2k8! Zu
Oh you guys!!! I can hardly believe how fast the year went by. It was fun to watch as your books came one by one into the world.
I predict that all of the members of the Class of 2k8 will end up at a wild cocktail party with the Class of 2k7 and the Class of 2k9 to celebrate many, many amazing accomplishments, awards, and a happy common bond!
Here's to you, class of 2k8! Glasses are raised tonight, clinking cheerily to a bright future for you all! Well done!!!
happy new year to one and all :D
It's been an incredible year. I think our group is going to be wildly successful and I look forward to watching everyone's growth. I hope one day we are all together. There's so many of you I haven't met in person. Blessinga and good wishes to you all, my friends, in 2009 and beyond.
CONGRATULATIONS on a great year and the start of a wonderful writing career! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Congratulations, class of 2k8! I will be watching your continued success with avid interest! And thank you for blazing a class or glory that I hope the class of 2k9 can build on!
All the best in your new projects,
Ellen Jensen Abbott
OOOPS! Make that a PATH of GLORY!
I really like and appreciate your post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.
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