We're cracking open a bottle of cyber bubbly to celebrate our launch week for P.J. Hoover, MG author extraordinaire of The Emerald Tablet
And let us tell you a little about P.J.
P. J. Hoover grew up in Virginia visiting museums and dreaming of finding Atlantis. Prior to writing full time, PJ worked as an electrical engineer in Austin , Texas , where she lives with her husband, two children, Yorkshire terrier, and two tortoises (King Tort and Nefertorti).

P. J. is the author of the FORGOTTEN WORLDS trilogy, a middle grade science fiction series for kids 8-14. The first book, The Emerald Tablet, tells the story of Benjamin Holt who not only is from a hidden world under the Pacific Ocean , he’s not even human. And he’s stuck spending his summer saving the world.

Benjamin and his best friend Andy are different from normal. They love being able to read each other's minds and use telekinesis to play tricks on other kids. In fact, they are getting all set to spend their entire summer doing just that when Benjamin's mirror starts talking. Suddenly, Benjamin's looking at eight weeks of summer school someplace which can only be reached by a teleporter inside the ugly picture in his hallway. And that's the most normal thing he does all summer.
Some great reviews from older reviewers include:
"I enjoyed it as an adult, but I know that I would have adored it as an 11-year-old. In truth, ever since I finished it, The Emerald Tablet has been popping back into my head, as I wonder what's going to happen to Benjamin and his friends going forward. Highly recommended for later elementary and middle school readers, boys and girls, fans of traditional fantasy or not." -- Jen Robinson, Jen Robinson's Book Page
Five Stars - Recipient of the Gold Star Award for Excellence"I loved every minute that I was reading it, and I feel like I want to reread the book over and over again. ... While reading the book I kept thinking that in a way it was almost like a myth that was being told and how cool it would be if it was actually true... Fans of Rick Riordan’s PERCY JACKSON series will particularly enjoy this book." -- Teens Read Too
"Anyone who enjoyed discovering the world of magic with Harry Potter will enjoy diving into a different magical world with Benjamin Holt and his friends " -- Balanced Steps
"This is a wonderful beginning to a fantasy middle-grade trilogy. Hoover's writing is extremely compelling and makes the book hard to put down." -- Book Chic
And let’s not forget the kid reviewers:
" The Emerald tablet was THE best book I read in a long time! It is a great/awesome book and you will NEED to buy it on October, 21,2008! " -- Bookworms' Reviews (Bookworm Number 1)"Step aside, move down, you unworthy Newbery Award winning books, and such! This book qualifies as the greatest, most AMAZING book in the history of books! I couldn't put it down." -- Bookworms' Reviews (Bookworm Number 2)
"This is FREAKING awesome!" -- Eleanor at Present Lenore
Come back tomorrow for the skinny on how PJ found a publisher. Plus some stuff about PJ and working a Rubik's cube at lightning speed. We kid you not.
LOVE the kid reviews, PJ! Congratulations...that's where it really counts.
Can't wait to read it...sounds like it's right up my alley.
Thanks, Ellen!
I love the kid reviews, too! :)
My copy's on order...and there's going to be a tussle when it arrives because my girls want to read it too. We may have to draw straws.
Have a terrific launch week!!!
Wonderful reviews! I'm looking forward to adding my endorsement to the mix soon!
And to think I have a signed ARC! Happy Launch Week, PJ!
YAY PJ! Huge Congrats!
Yay for PJ!! And thanks for the mention. :) I loved this book as you could tell.
Thanks so much, everyone, for visiting!
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