Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Terri's Take on Why to Conference?

Terri Clark signing early editions of SLEPPLESS
at RWA's Literacy for Life book signing charity event

"I try to attend RWA every year, when I can, because it’s such an enriching experience. The workshops are inspiring, educational and uplifting. Admittedly, I didn’t get to as many as I’d like to have this year, but I did walk away with some juicy bits of knowledge and empowerment.

I also love the friendships I’ve made at conference. Reconnecting with old friends and making new ones is such a joy and this year, in particular, I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent visiting with people.

Every year I seem to tap into some kind of personal theme, a message I come home with. In year’s past it’s been hope, persistence, goal setting, etc. This year’s conference theme was all about getting real. I feel like I got a clearer picture of my goals and what it’s going to take to achieve them. Sometimes reality checks aren’t fun, but they are necessary and I feel more focused and driven because of it. I also feel very blessed and fortunate to have my book release weeks away. SLEEPLESS comes out September 2nd and this is a magical time for me. Conference was my first taste of the excitement coming my way and I can't wait for more!"

Terri Clark

2k8ers Unite!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun little blog! Thanks for sharing, Terri!! :)